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ö Module Foods Use



He/she has acquired broad factual, theoretical and practical knowledge the ingredients used in a large-scale kitchen in terms of seasonality, regionality and origin (organic or convenience). In particular,

He/she has knowledge of

  • the concept of quality of food in terms of nutrition, health, sensory and technological
  • the principles of sustainable use of foods, respectively, the relationship between the consumption of regional production, added value and sustainability:
    • Sustainability criteria
    • Benefits of sustainability
    • Definition of regionality and particularly southern fruit
    • Natural factors influencing regionality (Apples instead of bananas)
    • Economic factors and regionality (global and locally)
    • The influence of food distribution on environment
    • Support local farmers
    • Relationships with local suppliers
    • Regionality as a sales argument
    • Social aspects of foods use (Fair Trade) and respective certification systems
  • the importance of organic food for consumers, food quality and the environment
    • The influence of food production on qualityof food and environment
    • Nutritional, healthy, sensory and technological qualityof of bioproducts
    • availability of organic food
    • price range of organic food
    • alternative crops
    • livestock production and environment
    • foods use in terms of agriculture (employment; regional added value)
  • the importance of seasonal and fresh foods and their use in the kitchen:
    • Definition: Seasonal production, storage, transport
    • Seasonal fruits and vegetables calendar
    • Preservation, storage and food quality
    • Food processing, energy costs, emissions
    • Economic evaluation of food
    • Relevance:
    • Nature protection
    • Health quality
    • Economic and environmental survey
  • social aspects of foods use (Fair Trade)
  • economic aspects of using organic, local and seasonal food
  • environmental aspects of using organic, local and seasonal food
  • how to link the sustainable menu design of the kitchen with the other modules (energy, foods use, waste, information activities) to utilise synergies


He/she has acquired the following cognitive and practice-related skills for the daily solution of foods use-related questions in the large-scale kitchen. In particular,

He/she is able to

  • analyse the state of the products used in own large scale kitchen (regionality, seasonality, organic produce, fresh versus convenience products)
  • assess and explain the importance of sustainable nutrition in large-scale kitchens
  • implement concrete measures to increase sustainability along the value chain (purchase, preparation, serving counter, seasonal dishes) in large-scale kitchens
  • apply the national recommendations from the respective country’s ministry of health and food pyramid concerning the use of fresh, regional, seasonal and organic products instead of convenience products
  • assess different large-scale kitchen systems with regard to the foods use in them (regionality, seasonality, organic produce, fresh versus convenience products)


He/she exercises self- and team-management in encouraging a sustainable foods use (in terms of employing regional, seasonal and organic products) in their large-scale kitchen. In particular


  • is competent regarding the criteria for sustainable foods purchasing policy
  • develops and organises, by independent action, the implementation of a concept of using regional, seasonal and organic products in the own large-scale kitchen
  • optimises the economic situation and the nutritional and health value of the food by employing regional, seasonal and organic products in the own large-scale kitchen

is able to motivate the staff for the implementation of these activities


Training Materials