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ö Module Waste Management in Large-scale Kitchens


The training in this module enables the trainees to analyse the current state of the waste management in their own large-scale kitchen and to improve it in terms of waste prevention, waste reduction, recycling and re-use.

Detailed learning objectives

Knowledge of:

  • the amounts, type and composition of the waste generated in the large-scale kitchen (knowledge of the current state)
  • the processes in the kitchen, in which the waste is generated
  • potential recyclables along the value chain (purchase, storage, preparation, serving counter, food left-overs in the kitchen, food-returns) in large scale kitchens
  • disposal or reuse options for residual waste and recyclables (glass, plastic, paper, organic etc.)
  • non-returnable and returnable systems for packaging materials in the kitchen
  • possibilities for replacing non-return systems with return ones
  • how to define the target state of waste prevention and reduction in the kitchen
  • the difference between “preventable waste” and “non-preventable waste” in large scale kitchens
  • the options for the way forward (measures towards waste prevention; reuse of recyclables)
  • the relevance of reducing waste in large scale kitchens
  • non-returnable or returnable systems for large scale kitchens
  • the benefits of returnable systems
  • of different options of reusing food and preserving food
  • how to link the waste management of the kitchen with the other modules (energy, foods use, menu design, information activities) as options for exhausting synergies


Competences to:

  • develop and organise the implementation of a concept of reducing waste in the own large-scale kitchen
  • knows how to implement, by independent actions, concrete measures towards waste prevention, utilising recyclables and reusing food in the own large-scale kitchen
  • optimise the economic and ecological situation by waste prevention concept in the own large-scale kitchen
  • ability to motivate staff to adopt the idea of reducing waste in the own large-scale kitchen


Skills – ability to:

  • analyse the situation of waste in own large scale kitchen: waste generation, waste fractions
  • assess the importance of waste prevention in large-scale kitchens
  • implement concrete measures to prevent waste along the value chain (purchase, storage, preparation, serving counter, food left-overs in the kitchen, food-returns) in large-scale kitchens
  • apply the national legislation in terms of the waste hierarchy for organic and residual waste (e.g. for reusing “left-overs”, for reducing the amount of packaging materials) as well as for utilising recyclables in large-scale kitchens
  • organise an appropriate waste separation system for own large scale kitchen
  • assess different large-scale kitchen systems with regard to waste aspects



Training focus

The training is based on the following three issues:

  • Waste fractions generation in the large-scale kitchen
  • Waste prevention
  • Measures towards waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse



Training workshop design and test


The training workshop consist of 4 learning units per module, of 60 minutes each. The first 3 units are split into a 45-minute lecture and a 15-minute discussion. The 4th unit serves the working out of practice-related exercises together with the lecturer. A short instruction session helps the participants to fill in the training folder. To test the training materials and structure, 5 workshops are foreseen with at least 5 participants per country and module. After the test trainings, the workshop design is finalised and ready for implementation.


Training materials

Handbook (Download)

Script (Download)

Slides (Download)

Training Folder (Download)

Training Folder incl. Results (Download)