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Project ReKuK

Vocation Training for Chefs and Executive Chefs of Large-Scale Kitchens in Sustainable Food and Kitchen Management
The project aims at shaping a vocational training for chefs and executive chefs of large-scale kitchens, which is either hardly attainable for them in the daily routine, or not available at all in the project countries. The goal is thus to improve and extend their basic training by 5 further modules (Waste Prevention, Energy Efficiency, Foods Use, Menu Design, and Marketing and Information) and so to enable professional decisions towards resource efficiency in the large-scale kitchens. This way, the principle of “lifelong learning” represents a key element of the project. A further positive effect is the better positioning of the addressed target group in their current or prospective employment.
The first Intellectual Output are the training materials (slide set with integrated exercises, detailed script supporting an in-depth study of the modules, training folder containing script, slides, best-practice examples and worksheets, handbook for self-study) drafted by all partners and consulted upon with national stakeholders. The materials are also adapted to the national specifics (e.g. consideration of the seasonality of the products and the regional conditions).
The second Intellectual Output is the training workshop design. A training consists of 4 learning units per module, of 60 minutes each. The first 3 units are split into a 45-minute lecture and a 15-minute discussion. The 4th unit serves the working out of practice-related exercises together with the lecturer. A short instruction session helps the participants to fill in the training folder. To test the training materials and structure, 5 workshops are foreseen with at least 5 participants per country and module. After the test trainings, the workshop design is finalised and ready for implementation.

Recent news

Test der Seminarreihe, 07. bis 09. Mai, Österreich

Die Ressourcenmanagement Agentur hat vom 07. bis 09. Mai erfolgreich die für Österreich angepassten Module der im Rahmen des EU- Projekts ReKuK für die berufsbegleitende Weiterbildung in nachhaltiger Verpflegung und Küchenmanagement für KöchInnen und KüchenleiterInnen von Großküchen in den Räumlichkeiten der Bio Forschung Austria getestet.

Semináře a setkání odborníků v České republice (incl ENG)

Semináře pro vedoucí pracovníky veřejných stravovacích zařízení- seznámení s projektem ReKuK.

V České republice byly uspořádány 4 semináře s jednotným názvem „Regionální, sezónní, bio a čerstvé potraviny ve veřejném stravování“.

První seminář a workshop se konal 6. 4. 2018 na  Střední odborné škole a Středním odborném učiliště v Žatci (Středočeský kraj). Akce se zúčastnilo 20 vedoucích školních stravovacích zařízení a také učitelé a studenti závěrečných ročníků  školy.

Test- Workshops in Deutschland vom 05. Bis 07. März (ENG)

The association Thüringer Ökoherz e.V., umbrella organization for organic farming Thuringia has successfully tested teaching materials that were created in an EU project with experts from partner organizations from Austria, Czech Republic and Italy in a workshop series in Leipzig from 05th to 07th March.

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